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Blowing Sankha

Blowing Sankha

Blowing Sankha Blowing the conch: Hold the conch comfortably with your dominant hand, covering the hole at the back (where the animal used to be) with your fingers.Position your lips: Purse your lips tightly as if you're
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Mo Sankha

Mo Sankha

Mo Sankha “MoSankha” for Health and Wellness…Live Life Lively, Blow SankhaDaily“Sankha” is called a “Sriyantra” since in Hindu Mythology it is a supreme instrument amongst all instruments. According to scien
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Smartway to live life lively

Smartway to live life lively

Smartway to live life lively System fails only if people fail… since everything works in a system We live in earth which is in solar system… Computer is an electronic system…Likewise our body is a biological sys
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Blowing a conch shell is considered as best physical exercise for both body and mind: Blowing a conch provides exercise for various muscles, including the urinary tract, bladder, lower abdomen, diaphragm, chest, and neck m
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How to identify that the Sankha is original

How to identify that the Sankha is original

The simple test is that without blowing the shankh if you hear pleasant sound when you bring it near to your ear then it is a genuine one. X-ray study can identify whether a conch is original or not. As there are
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